From old to new
From volatility to stability
From old to new
From volatility to stability
From old to new
From volatility to stability
Not-for-profit algorithmic stablecoin creation platform, based on a new methodology that completely eliminates the possibility for any volatility in the first place
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Video 160 seconds
Allocation 100% of all contributions will be deposited to the liquidity reserve to support liquidity. Users can redeem their stablecoins by placing a swap order for cryptocurrency tokens from the liquidity reserve.
Donations Element Zero is a not-for-profit keeping 100% of the revenue in the company's reserve to support the liquidity of the stablecoins. At some point in the future, it is possible that there will be more funds than obligations which will create a profit; these profits will then be distributed to community-elected non-profits or charities.
Our Stablecoin's Use Cases
Short Term Holding Protection against crypto crashes and volatility
Long Term Holding Protection against inflation
New Way of PaymentA payment without signup or info disclosure
Purchasing power of stablecoins: The holy grail of currency

$100 over ten years with an inflation rate of 3% per year falls to $74.41

The Liquidity Reserve is a pool for liquidity and allows users to contribute and redeem funds using cryptocurrency. The Holding Reserve consists of asset investments for steady, long-term growth and acts as a backup reserve holding a large number of stable assets such as commercial real estate.

Escrow Protocol
Hold in Escrow

(Transaction of goods, services or contribution)

Wallet A sends Wallet B a Stablecoin. Wallet B sends Wallet A $0 cryptocurrency

Immediate Processing

(Selling Transaction)

Wallet A sends Wallet B a fixed face value stablecoin. Wallet B returns a cryptocurrency (such as BTC or ETH) with the same value

Arbitration Protocol

Each side sends an arbitration fee to the smart contract to create an incentive for users to participate as jury members. The party that the arbitration jury decides in favor of will receive a refund of their transaction and arbitration fee.

Element Zero’s escrow and arbitration protocols provide a greater level of confidence and trust between buyer and seller. Any person or organization can use Element Zero stablecoins to safely buy goods and services from unknown users or decentralized marketplaces. As the system is widely adopted, a reduction in the overall arbitration, requirements and challenges is possible.

Private Smart Contracts

Using the Element Zero Smart Contract System, any Element Zero stablecoin holder can create a private smart contract, with the added trust of the arbitration and escrow protocols, in just minutes. No complex expertise, systems or knowledge is necessary, enabling sellers who were previously unable to compete in the ecommerce marketplace to now accept digital payments for their goods and services with ease.

New Way for Payments

Element Zero CartBox app is the world’s first stablecoin wallet that enables users to purchase goods and services with simple, 'drag-and-drop' functionality.

The CartBox provides a user-friendly and secure alternative to today’s cumbersome checkout process. Using the CartBox, a buyer can purchase goods and services from any e-commerce site, online app and even VR/AR environment without a login or sign up process and without revealing any personal information or payment details. A simple ‘drag-and-drop’ of a product image to the CartBox followed by a single click for authorization completes the transaction for the user. CartBox transmits the delivery address and stablecoin payment to the peer-to-peer seller wallet. Every Element Zero transaction is protected by the Element Zero peer-based arbitration and escrow protocols.

Element Zero’s Roadmap
2019 Q4
  • Launch STO – 365 days (open to everyone including non- accredited investors)
2018 Q3
  • Add Business Operations role
  • Identify top tier advisory board members
  • Research and assess regulatory requirements
  • First draft of Element Zero White Paper
2018 Q4
  • Continued regulatory research and assessment
  • Add Marketing, Operations, Community Manager and Business Development roles
  • Identify more top tier advisors
  • Design high-level turn-key platform
  • White Paper V1 completed
  • Activate system development team
  • Begin blockchain development
  • PR Launch of project
2019 Q1
  • Finalized Legal Regulation & Tax structure and documents
  • Continued blockchain development
  • Launch V1 of website
  • Launch Pre-signup/referral networking
  • Launch Pre-signup reserve stablecoin symbol
  • Release stablecoin Test Net demo
  • PR Launch for Ambassador Program
  • PR Launch for stablecoin Test Net
2019 Q2
  • Continued blockchain development
  • PR for vendors pre-signup
  • Release CartBox wallet Test Net demo
  • Launch Pre-Sale - 6 months (open to Reg D 506 (c) & Reg S only)
2019 Q3
  • PR & Speaking Events
  • Launch EZ as a public company (S1)
  • Register security tokens as blue sky and SEC in all 50 US States
  • Code auditing
  • Security test and audit
Meet the Element Zero Team
Meet The Top 100 Element Zero Network Candidates Interested in joining the race?
We are looking for top influencers. People who can share our vision with their friends, followers and the crypto community at large.
Every elected Ambassador will be eligible for a cash compensation of $50,000.
About Element Zero

Element Zero is a not-for-profit next generation payment network based on an algorithmic stablecoin creation platform. Element Zero is designed with the hope of making the world better for all, by providing a new form of payment that is protected against long-term inflation and eliminates the possibility for any volatility in the first place.

Element Zero, created by Jointer, Inc. a blockchain startup based in Silicon Valley, CA emerged from Jointer’s need to provide its users a solution for stable, decentralized cryptocurrency payments. After in-depth reviews of existing stablecoins, Jointer concluded that none of the current stablecoins in the market were truly decentralized or 100% stable. Another factor identified during due diligence was that none of the stablecoins combat inflation, something needed in order to protect long-term purchasing power.

Early in the development of its proprietary stablecoin and in partnership with Nobel Prize winners and world-class experts, Jointer realized how many industry problems new Jointer’s new stablecoin could solve and how wrong it would be to limit this solution exclusively to Jointer. What started as a specific payment solution for Jointer soon expanded into a global solution. Against this backdrop, Jointer decided to establish Element Zero as an independent and autonomous entity that will hold all the stablecoin rights and will be belong to the public as a not-for-profit organization.

To ensure the future of Element Zero and keep it from any form of manipulation, such as greedy third-parties, or even governments, Element Zero was incorporated as non-stock membership. This means it will not distribute any profits to shareholders (there are none) and keep 100% of the revenue in the organization’s reserve to support the liquidity of all Element Zero stablecoins. The control over Element Zero will be shared with all stablecoin users in such a way that every essential decision will require agreement by consensus.

Element Zero is launching the EZO coin, the Element Zero branded stablecoin but since Element Zero is a turn-key stablecoins platform, it’s true strength is determined by the partner organizations be they companies, providers or even governments, as they leverage the Element Zero Network supported by the stability and liquidity protocols to create and launch their own stablecoins using a different name and their own custom features.

© 2019 Element Zero
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Element Zero Foundation

Element Zero is a decentralized to not-for-profit stablecoin protocol that is protected from market volatility, long-term inflation and designed with the hope to unify the citizens of the world under equal opportunities.

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